
Kwang Dah Enterprises Co.,Ltd, KD machine, Pharmaceutical Packing Machine





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Capsule Filling Machine Series

Counting Machine Series

Blister Packing Series

Liquid Filling Machine Series

Cartoning Machine Series

Other Machine Series

Packaging Material

Powder Processing Machine

Other Manufacturer Series


Pharmaceutical Packaging Machine


capsule filling machine, capsule packing machine”> width=  

Pharmaceutical Packaging Machine Manufacturer, Pharmaceutical Equipment Supplier

Capsule Blister Packing Machine, Blister Filling Machine

   Capsule Counter, Capsule Counting Machine”> 


Capsule Filling Machine Series

Popular  Product

Pharmaceutical Packaging Machine


Blister Packaging Machine Series

Tablet / Capsule / Gum

Counting Machine Series




Kwang Dah has been dealing with production of Capsule and  Pharmaceutical packaging machine for the past more than 70 years.

During the early stage, we have made hard capsule ad whole plant for hard capsule and soft gelatin capsule. In 1945, we have manufactured
Capsule Filling Machine, Counting Machine, Blister Packing Machine, Liquid Filling Machine, Cartoning Machine, Automatic Labeling Machine, Auto Powder Filling Plugging Capping Machine, Packaging Material, Powder Processing Machine...etc.

Total amount of turn over around USD 20 Million, 30% grow up per year. With an important place in the inernational market.
We sale more than 40,000 sets throughout worldwide (over 70 countries).



Looking for a suitable machine for your products. 

 We'll reply your enquiry within 24hrs.

TEL:886-2-29713333,886-2-29818888 FAX:886-2-2982-6645

 (Google Map).

Monday to Friday 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM (Taiwan's Time)

     Kwang Dah Enterprises Co.,Ltd, KD machine, Pharmaceutical Packing Machine             


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